Embrace a New Beginning with KOBSFED’s Perfect Start Package

At KOBSFED, we understand that transformative business growth starts with deep understanding and strong relationships. Our Perfect Start Package is designed to provide an immersive, rejuvenating two-day retreat that combines intensive business strategy sessions with the relaxation and comfort of a spa setting. This unique approach ensures that you not only address business challenges but also rejuvenate your spirit and team dynamics.

Who is it for?

  • Emerging Entrepreneurs and Startups needing foundational business guidance.
  • Family-Owned Businesses undergoing generational transitions or needing to redefine business roles.
  • Companies Facing Restructuring due to market changes or internal challenges.
  • Businesses at the Brink of Scaling Up who require strategic planning to manage growth effectively.
  • Teams Needing Renewed Cohesion and enhanced communication strategies.
  • Leaders Looking for Fresh Perspectives on navigating business crises or significant transformations.

Meet Your Guides: Anthony and Caroll

Anthony: Anthony brings a robust background in managing teams, finances, investments, and organizational structures, all aimed at fostering growth. With over 18 years of experience, he specializes in guiding businesses through expansion phases and structural optimizations. His approach blends financial acumen with strategic foresight, helping companies scale sustainably and efficiently.

Caroll: Caroll combines over 14 years of experience running her own online businesses with her expertise in psychotherapy and coaching. Her unique background gives her a profound understanding of human nature and conflict resolution. Specializing in enhancing interpersonal relations within business environments, Caroll uses her skills to help teams overcome internal conflicts and align on common goals. Her methods are deeply empathetic, offering both personal and professional transformation.


Why the Perfect Start Package?

The Perfect Start Package is not just a service; it’s an experience tailored to foster not only business growth but holistic rejuvenation. Here’s why it stands out:

  • Integrated Business and Relaxation Approach: Combining strategic business planning with a relaxing retreat environment to promote clear thinking and creativity.
  • Customized Solutions: Tailored sessions that address specific business needs from structural changes to market expansion plans.
  • Expert Guidance: Access to top-tier business mentors and coaches throughout the retreat.
  • Networking and Relationship Building: Opportunities to connect with other business leaders in a relaxed setting.

What Do You Gain?

  • Strategic Insights: Deep dives into your business operations to uncover areas for improvement and strategies for growth.
  • Renewed Energy: The serene spa setting allows you and your team to recharge, leading to increased productivity and well-being.
  • Actionable Plans: Walk away with a clear, actionable plan tailored to your specific business circumstances and goals.
  • Lasting Relationships: Build meaningful connections that continue to provide value long after the retreat.

How We Operate:

  • Pre-Retreat Analysis: Before you arrive, our team analyzes your provided information to customize your sessions.
  • Day 1: Arrival followed by an introductory session over coffee, settling in, and the first round of tailored workshops. Post-lunch, enjoy spa amenities leading into an evening of fine dining paired with strategic discussions.
  • Day 2: Start with a morning session, followed by a series of workshops that synthesize the insights from Day 1, culminating in a comprehensive plan and closing remarks.
  • Post-Retreat Follow-Up: Our engagement doesn’t end at the retreat. We provide detailed documentation of your audit and strategy, and schedule follow-up sessions to ensure implementation success.


Why It’s Unique:

The Perfect Start Package goes beyond traditional business consulting by integrating strategic development within a nurturing environment that focuses on both the personal and professional growth of attendees. It’s not just about finding solutions; it’s about transforming the way you think about and do business.


Where We Will Meet

The Retreat Venue: A Luxurious Spa Hotel in Germany

Our Perfect Start Package takes place in a serene and luxurious spa hotel nestled in the heart of Germany’s picturesque countryside. This exclusive venue has been carefully selected for its tranquil environment, exceptional service, and outstanding facilities, which contribute to an atmosphere of relaxation and rejuvenation.


Invest in the Future of Your Business

With the Perfect Start Package, you’re not just investing in a service; you’re investing in a partnership that values understanding, development, and sustainable success. Join us to redefine what growth means for you and your business.

The investment in the Perfect Start Package varies based on the specific needs and customization options chosen by each client, including the size of the company being discussed. However, standard pricing is as follows:

  • Single Participant (with or without partner/spouse): starting from 2,500 euro
  • Two Participants (with or without partners/spouses): starting from 3,000 euro

These prices include all accommodations, meals, spa services, and professional fees associated with the retreat. Travel costs to and from the retreat location are generally not included. However, if you are planning to travel by train or plane, we provide complimentary transportation from Berlin, Prenzlau, or Szczecin to the hotel. For customized options or additional participants, please contact us for a detailed quote.