At KOBSFED, we understand that recognizing there is a problem can sometimes be as far as your clarity goes. You don’t need to know where the problem lies; Most times you just need to feel that something isn’t right. That’s where we step in. 

How we like to work

Before we dive into business terms and jargon, it’s important for us that we understand each other on a human level. That’s why we cherish getting to know our clients, dedicating time to thoroughly understand their situations and needs, as well as to analyze next steps. Business development isn’t just about more money—it’s also about greater peace of mind, achieving life goals, and our development as people.

We understand all this and know that being a small business owner or running a family business comes with very specific conditions. We want to talk about our business, but we don’t always have someone to talk to. We want to grow, yet it’s not easy for us to admit the difficulties that hinder this growth. We fear talking about our strategies and ideas lest they be stolen… And all of this often means we feel isolated or embarrassed.

To help address these challenges, we need a moment to ensure that our support is effective and tailored to your needs. Here is how we can work together:

Package Perfect Start

Begin our collaboration on a solid foundation.

What is the Perfect Start Package? The Perfect Start Package is more than just a service; it’s a two-day journey towards understanding and mutual acquaintance. During this unique spa retreat, our team focuses not only on the technical aspects of your business but primarily on building relationships. We talk about everything – business is an integral part of our lives and our families, so the time spent together gives us a unique opportunity to deeply understand your needs, ambitions, and challenges.

Our meeting is not just a contract for a specified number of work hours; it is a commitment to building lasting relationships. We truly want to get to know you, to understand the mechanisms of your business, to observe interactions within your team, and to recognize the difficulties and successes that shape your daily life. This is a time to explore the best paths for further development of your business.

What do you gain from the Perfect Start Package?

Understanding and Trust: By spending time together, having open conversations, and sharing experiences, we build a foundation based on mutual understanding and trust.


Fresh Perspective: Stepping away from the daily routine and the professional support of our team offer a new look at your business and its development opportunities. 

Regeneration and Inspiration: Combining business development work with relaxation and rejuvenation in a spa helps regerate both body and mind, which is crucial for effective creativity and long-term success.

Comprehensive Support: From auditing to mentoring to development strategies – all in one intesive package. 

Retreat Plan:

Before Arrival: Analysis of your survey and preparation of an individual meeting plan.
Day 1: Strategic discussions, work sessions, time in the SPA, evening dinner, and further discussions.
Day 2: Continuation of talks, additional work sessions, and summarization.
After Departure: Compilation of gathered data, preparation of a detailed audit, and recommendations.

Grow your business with KOBSFED, where we nurture relationships and support the development of family businesses.

You don't know where to start or what you need?

Don’t worry! We will help with that—just book a free 30-minute consultation, and we will figure it out together! During this session, we’ll discuss your specific needs and challenges in detail. It’s a no-obligation opportunity to explore how our services can be tailored to fit your unique situation. Let’s start the conversation and pave the way to a solution that works best for you!”

Our Services

From conducting thorough audits to developing bespoke solutions, our services are designed to address the unique challenges your business faces. We tailor each solution to fit the specific needs of your enterprise, ensuring that we not only identify the problems but also provide effective, innovative solutions.

Business Audits

Our comprehensive business audits are the first step in our process. We delve deep into your company’s operations, financials, and strategies to pinpoint inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This detailed analysis helps us understand the nuances of your business and serves as the foundation for all subsequent recommendations and strategies.

Strategic Development Planning

We help you define and refine your business growth objectives through strategic development planning. Our expertise in market analysis, competitive positioning, and strategic execution ensures that your business not only survives but thrives in today’s competitive landscape.

Business and Financial Mentoring and Coaching

Our mentoring and coaching programs are tailored to foster your professional growth and improve your financial acumen. Whether you’re seeking guidance on business management or financial strategy, Anthony and Caroll provide expert advice and actionable insights that lead to sustainable success.

Debt Management Planning

Effective debt management can transform your financial outlook. We assist you in creating and implementing robust debt management plans that optimize and potentially reduce your liabilities while ensuring the stability and growth of your business.

AI Automation Implementation

Embrace the future with our AI automation solutions. We specialize in integrating cutting-edge AI technologies that automate complex business processes, enhance productivity, and reduce operational costs. Our AI implementations are customized to your business needs, driving innovation and efficiency.

Family Business Mediation

Navigating family dynamics in business requires sensitivity and expertise. Our mediation services help resolve conflicts within family-run businesses, ensuring that personal relationships bolster, rather than hinder, business success.

Therapeutic Support for Entrepreneurs and Their Families

Running a business is often stressful and can affect personal well-being. Our therapeutic support services are designed to help entrepreneurs and their families cope with the emotional demands of business management, fostering mental health and resilience.


Our retreats offer a unique opportunity to unwind, network, and gain fresh perspectives. These carefully curated experiences combine relaxation with professional development, making them a perfect blend for rejuvenation and learning.

Community Engagement

Join our community to connect with other like-minded professionals. Engage in monthly calls with Anthony and Caroll, receive four emails per month packed with business support, and get exclusive access to expert advice and peer insights.

Consider Adding More Services?

At KOBSFED, we are always looking to expand our services to better meet your needs. If there’s something specific you’re looking for that we haven’t listed, let us know. We’re here to help your business succeed in every way possible.